Monday, 17 May 2010

(no) sweat! (DAY 3)

I apologize for the long void in this blog over the weekend. I was babysitting my (oh-so-cute) niece, hence, have not been able to sit here and promote good deeds to you.

So, on this entry, I think we all should start breaking some sweats and exercise! I know God repeatedly reminded us to take good care and to not cause harm to ourselves. I am classifying being a couch potato, eating deep fried oil infested food everyday as doing ourselves harm, as shown by the recent increase in young adults having coronary heart disease, Diabetes, and stroke. I am blaming the box of time waster (TV)(or maybe now i should call it the 'a piece of plywood- since the emergence of flatscreens) that hypnotize people to glue their bums of the couch, fix their eyes on the box and add pounds to their bodies. GAINING FAT CUSHIONS ON THEIR BODY. By this it means not just the adipose layer under the skin. Also around the heart, liver, intestines- the ones unseen are causing long term damages to the body.

Hence, I am dragging myself (and hopefully others too :D) to shed the layers of unhealthy fats! I coincidentally read a very informative article in the newspaper yesterday written by a fellow doctor who recommended exercising as a wonderful hapy, healthy way of lifestyle. She promotes exercising AT LEAST 20 mins DAILY to increase the body temperature, gets the heart pumping faster and toxins out of our system. By increasing the body temp through exercising, a special enzyme is secreted to help digest the fats to make them into smaller better molecules which provides energy to the body, and not clog our arteries. Besides that, through exercising - it introduces the state of 'ketosis', whereby, ketones are produced from the digested fats (from our thigh, bums, stomach, etc). Ketone is a type of alcohol, which is naturally produced by the body, unlike the alcohol in beers, wines, etc, which can be harmful. This compound gives the person exercising a boost of happiness, joy, feeling fresh and rejuvenated. And, you will realize soon after getting into the habit of exercising daily that, NOT exercising for the day is a BIG LOSS. Of course it is!- NOT having the boost of happy ketones for the day! :D

Time after time, we are bombarded with the concept of having a balanced life: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and PHYSICALLY. This is the time! :D lets do something about it!

I went on the treadmill for an hour of brisk walking in the morning, and a 30 mins aerobic session with my sister in the evening, and now I am feeling ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! :D I hope you can join in the fun too ;)

Til then, have fun sweating off all the nasty toxins, and shedding the useless fats away ;) all the best!

Remember, Syaitan laknatullah will try their very best to stop us from doing good things to ourselves- hence, please dont be surprised when even with the good ketones and endorphines in the system, we will still feel lazy to exercise- thats them, the nasty syaitan, sitting on our laps, making them heavy to move, whispering discouragements. Hence, dear friends.. please do not fall into the nasty syaitans trap.

Have fun exercising! :D

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