Saturday, 22 May 2010

give up? never! (DAY 6)

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. ~Albert Einstein"

Have you ever given up on something, and years after that, you find yourself regretting that day u pushed the button 'stop'? Hands up for me :(. I have, and I know it's not the ways of Islam to dwell on the past, but, this story I am about to tell you is as a reminder to myself, and hopefully you too; THE IMPORTANCE OF NOT GIVING UP.

I was one of the best students in my French language class, until I decided to drop out of the class. We were the pioneer year in the school to be offered French lessons. It was free of charge, the teacher was absolutely wonderful, and it was taught in the comfort of my own classroom after school. (Triple 'duh!' for me). But I (stupidly) decided to leave the class at the end of the semester just because I found it was a struggle to juggle all the subjects I was learning, sports, and I was also trying to master Arabic (which was a compulsory subject).

Years later, I found myself lost at a busy street in Paris, France, and nobody around me can speak a single word of English! It's weird how fate brought us back to our good/bad/mediocre decisions that we made in our life..

So, morale of the stody is.. please please dont give up so easily. Struggle. Fight. Be it in our work, health, relationships..

Allah has promised
"Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs)." (Ash-Sharh)

Hence, do not give up. Try. Put our mind, body , heart, soul into whatever good things we are trying to achieve. Although the journey will be hard, and trying... There will be relief, as promised by Him, alhamdulillah..

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