Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Oh God.. Oh God..

Today is really not my day. I guess God wants to test me and test my patience. For without these tests, how can we earn good points to fly us into Jannah?

The followings are the unfortunate events that happened today (so far)
1. Took the wrong turn to work today. Ended up in traffic jam, in the heavy rain, and ultimately late to work.

2. Grazed someone's car in the hospital parking lot! It was a small graze of ~3cm on the left bumper. But its a really nice car (luckily NOT an expensive imported type). I have left my contact details on his/her windshield. I hope whoever the owner of the car is a nice gentle person, and I am willing to pay for compensation, of course.. but the thought of spending my salary on such a stupid mistake when I am due to deliver anytime soon is a huge let down. I was completely out of mood and my mind was wandering to the silly graze on the nice car the whole day!

3. I am going home to day to unclog the stupid kitchen drain. Its a smelly, dirty tiring job to do after work when u are heavily preggers, but - its got to be done! I am preparing myself with gloves, perfumes, and mouthcovers.

4. Still in no luck trying to find a suitable nursery/nanny for this coming soon baby. And my stress level has never been this high since.. since A&E time in the UK. I know this because of the constant heartburn (and of course the huge tummy is a contributing factor too), and blemishes are popping out, and I am feeling restless, and insomniac at times, careless (hence the graze on someone's car)!
And the worse thing is.. I feel like I am ALONE in this hunt for a suitable, safe nursery for my child. And now it's like fighting a losing battle. I am tired because of lack of sleep and pregnancy, and have to wander around in my car after work in search for this illusive nursery.

sigh sigh sigh

I hope I will be stronger and more patient coming out from these tests. I am praying that God will point me towards the best nursery and He will look after my child and will keep her/him safe. I pray that the owner of the grazed car will forgive me and is a nice person. I pray that the clogged up drain will be opened today. I pray that I am always in His mercy and blessings. Please help me and make me happy again..

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